Truly Rich Club’s GodWhispers: Nov 21-30, 2011

31 Jan

Note:  This is the first installment on Truly Rich Club’s GodWhispers.

November 21 to 30, 2011

November 21, 2011
Dear ,

Think of the most powerful thing on earth. Now think of the most painful experience you can go through. How about the most dreaded event you can imagine? None of these things can separate you from My love. My love for you is stronger than death, sickness, poverty or any other misfortune you can think of.

Truly Yours,

P.S. , no matter what trials you face now, nothing can separate you from My love.

November 22, 2011
Dear ,

Everything you have came from Me. Every benefit, bonus or gift you’ve ever received originated from Me. I just use your family, your work, your friends and other channels to deliver these blessings to you.

Your Blesser,

P.S. , what blessings do you seek today? I am engineering circumstances that they come your way.

November 23, 2011
Dear ,

You have no excuse not to serve Me. Go through the Bible and you’ll be shocked to see others who were “unfit” to serve Me — yet ended up serving Me.

Empowering you,

P.S. , your weakness can’t stop My plan for your life. Your weakness, your fault, your sin, your flaw don’t disqualify you from My wonderful plan for your life.

November 24, 2011
Dear ,

Today is the day that I have made especially for you. Yesterday has passed. Tomorrow is not yet yours. But this day, I give you My salvation, My message, My favor.

Blessing you,

P.S. , My grace is available to you now. Take it and make it yours.

November 25, 2011
Dear ,

You know the feeling of anticipation when you’re counting the days before you see a loved one? That’s how I feel every time I think of you. I long for your company and love it when you take time to pray and be exclusively in My presence.

Always with you,

P.S. , you are the apple of My eye. You’re always on My mind.

November 26, 2011
Dear ,

How many times have you rejected Me? How many times did you choose someone or something else over Me? Sin? Materialism? Pride? Addiction? Yet I don’t walk out on you. I don’t abandon you.

Always here,

P.S. , I’m always waiting for you. And I won’t stop waiting until you allow Me to love you.

November 27, 2011
Dear ,

Do not love the things of this world. Loving things crowds out your love for Me. Pride, selfishness and craving for worldly things have no future. But if you obey Me, you will truly live.

Eternally yours,

P.S. , I can give you far more than this world could ever offer.

November 28, 2011
Dear ,

Stop thinking of yourself and your problems only. If you’d only look around you, you’ll soon see how super blessed you are. Start counting your blessings and rejoice!

Your Blesser,

P.S. , gratitude is the secret of contented people.

November 29, 2011
Dear ,

A hero is someone who loves somebody more than himself. That’s a perfect description of who I Am. I love you more than I love Myself. That’s why I ended up on a cross — for you.

Your Hero,

P.S. , I love you so much that I would go through the cross even if you were the only one in the world who needed to be saved.

November 30, 2011
Dear ,

Get rid of your scarcity mentality. If you believe that My resources are abundant, then you know that there’s more of what you have from where it came from. And if that is your belief, then you will be generous — to Me and to others.

Source of Your Abundance,

P.S. , the silver and the gold of this world are Mine. In fact, they’re just pavement material where you’re headed!


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